Vision, Mission and Values

Vision and Mission

Vision:   Our vision is to see resilient and thriving communities anchored in social justice

Mission:   Our mission is to empower marginalized and vulnerable communities enjoy sustainable development, democratic governance and responsive humanitarian assistance through human right based and gender transformative approaches.

Our core values:

  • People Centered: our interventions put people and humanity at fore front; we consider and value people’s participation, needs, rights, aspirations, priorities, values and relationships.
  • Integrity: we ensure that our development, humanitarian and nexus activities are clearly aligned with the vision, purpose and values of the organization and that these are clearly communicated in its relationships with all stakeholders.
  • Impartiality: our actions and decisions are carried out on the basis of need and objective criteria. We do not make decisions on the basis of nationality, race, gender, religion, class or political opinions.
  • Equity and inclusion: consideration of people of all ages, women, men, elderly, girls, boys, people with disability and social minorities.
  • Teamwork: effective team sprit instituted in organizational culture.
  • Partnership: we cannot succeed alone! We strive building strategic partnerships and synergy with likeminded organizations.
  • Learning and Dynamism: we value continuous learning, cultivate professionalism and knowledge-based approach.
  • Efficiency: we implement projects to reach as many people as possible in an efficient way giving value for money.
  • Transparency and Accountability: transparency in our actions, relationships, decisions and related to financial and human resource management, accountability to program target communities, partners and our donors.