
Gurmuu is a member of various networks, consortia and thematic working groups for learning and common voice.

Gurmuu is a member of networks of:

  • Basic Education Network-Ethiopia — BEN-E
  • Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association – CCRDA
  • Network Civil Society Organization in Oromia –NeCSOO
  • Consortium of Self-Help Groups Approach Promoting Organizations – CoSAP
  • Coalition of Climate Change in Ethiopia – CCC-E
  • None State Actors Coalition — NSAC
  • Member of the Coalition of Ethiopian Civil Society Organization on Election (CECOE)

Gurmuu is member of the thematic working groups under CCRDA: WaSH and food security and livelihoods

Gurmuu is a signatory to the code of conduct for charities and societies in Ethiopia as adopted for members of the CCRDA

  • Gurmuu well works with knowledge/ research centers: Holeta Bee Research center, Bako Agricultural Research Center, Jimma Agricultural Research Center and Melkasa Agricultural Research Center