
Badhasa Legesse

Badhasa Legesse, 36 years of age, was one of the inhabitant and beneficiaries of Hamile WaSH project. He lives in Walkitumma Village and he has five children (of which one is girl and four are boys. Two of his children attend school). Badhasa has attended primary education until 6th grade. He tells that despite the …

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Toleshi Bane (WaSH)

Toleshi Bane, a 35 years old lady, is one of the beneficiaries of Jarso WaSH scheme. She lives in Gudane Kobo village and has 8 children, of which three are girls and five are boys. Only three of the children are enrolled in school. Tolashi is illiterate like most women of her age in the …

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Mitiku Gemechu (Beekeepers)

Mitiku Gemechu, 47 years is another beekeeper benefiting from Gurmuu’s initiative. He says as follows: I have traditional beekeeping practices before getting engaged into training given by Gurmuu. I had been harvesting to the maximum of 30 to 50 kg of honey before this training, from traditional beehives. But after the training provided for me …

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Mr. Misgana Jima (Beekeepers)

Mr. Misgana Jima is a beekeeper in Guddane Qobbo kebele and a member of Ref Tole Beekeepers’ Association (with 20 members which meet every month). He is now 38 years old and a father of four children. Currently, Misgana has a total of 106 beehives: 70 traditional, 20 improved traditional (with two gates); 15 transitional …

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Mr. Kisi Tola (agro-forestry )

Mr. Kisi Tola (age 38) and his wife (age 30) Kasech Belay, who live in Gudane Dadu kebele of Hababo Guduru district, are among the agro forestry promoters who have planted various fruit trees. Currently, they have planted: coffee (87 seedlings), papaya (8), apple (7), avocado (3), and mango (2). Especially, coffee and papaya have …

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Mrs. Aberash Lejissa (SHGs)

Mrs. Aberash Lejissa, now 52, is a member of Ifa Arganne [Waljalanne Jarso] SHG. She lives at Jarso area of Guduru district.  Before she gets information about poor women’s groups, four years back, her life was so devastating.  She says: “both I and my husband were servants of others, working as daily laborers with very …

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Asnaku Tsehay (SHGs)

Asnaku Tsehay, 45 years of age is one of the women on success road with the benefit from the project of SHG! She lives in Kombosha (a rural town also principal of Guduru District) with her six family members.  Like her peer women, Asnaku has been one of the poverty stricken persons. But she says, …

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