Month: January 2012


Obbo Galata Ararso (from Qanate Biya locality) is one of the beekeepers who have benefited from the project initiatives of Gurmuu. He says: “In the past, I used to put traditional beehives on large trees by moving far in the forest. After collecting my honey, I leave my hive and colony there; I also do …

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Basic Education

Ato Bacha Kusa, is beneficiary of the basic education component, Jarso Danaba locality. He said, “I have three children who all are girls and they are attending their education in this center. The establishment of the school has a lot of benefits for us. Children, who are unable to travel long distance but whose age …

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No more days in darkness!

A case of a successful SHG woman Adde Abelu Gemeda, 35 years old, is a mother of seven children. She lives in Lalistu Loya locality, Hababo-Guduru. Her husband is engaged in a traditional carpentry work to generate income for the family. She used to brew local liquor to supplement the family income. In spite of …

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Biqiltu Qobo SHG

The group was formed by 20 members with PRA technique in a village called Qobo in July 2008. The name Bikiltu is synonymous with “growing seedling”, which is meant growing seedling of Qobo. The group has a current capital of Birr 2,162.00 of which more than Birr 1,800.00 is revolving as internal loan among members. …

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Those dark days have passed!

Asnaku Tsehay is one of the women on success road with the benefit from the project of IIWF!  Like other women, Asnaku has been one of the poverty stricken persons. But she says, “those dark days have passed! I am now a different woman living better life than the past; I have got many skills …

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Now in better position (SGH)

Amachale women SHG meaning, “now in better position” is one of the SHGs supported by the project. The group comprises 22 destitute women who have no land, widows/house heads, homeless and generally lead their life under poverty. They came together as self helping groups, two years ago. Members explain that, they have obtained business trainings, …

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